If you want to experience the best and most beautiful roads in the world, head to Europe for your next mancation, the Europeans know how to craft a road that will put a car through its paces. They also know a thing or two about designing race cars to take advantage of their wonderful race tracks, so follow this guide to the top five driving courses in the world.

The Autobahn
Virtually every serious driver in the world has heard of Germany’s legendary Autobahn. This amazing road allows drivers to travel as fast as they want to, this is hard to imagine for drivers in most countries around the world, but if you want to experience life in the fast lane, head to Germany for the Autobahn driving experience of a lifetime.

Strade Statali
These are the Italian state highways that wind throughout the country, and the best place for drivers to enjoy them is in Tuscany. They are very curvy and particularly picturesque in this area of Italy, plus, drivers can rent some of the finest sports cars in the world at the home of Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Klausen Pass
This mountain road in Switzerland will test the mettle of the most accomplished drivers, as the road winds its way through mountain passes that have sheer drops off the sides, so it takes a steady hand behind the wheel to race along this track. While they are in Switzerland, drivers will find access to plenty of high-powered European sports cars to enjoy Klausen Pass with.

Grossglockner High Alpine Road
Drivers will head to Austria to enjoy this mountain road, it runs between the Austrian states of Salzburg and Carinthia. This track is one that is not for the faint of heart, as Grossglockner is the highest mountain in Austria. The terror of driving along its steep cliffs requires a mixture of bravery, passion, and talent, and perhaps a little stupidity as well. The courageous person who tackles this challenge will be rewarded with some of the most breathtaking panoramic views on the planet.

This road is unpronounceable by most non-German speakers, it translates into Black Forest Road, and it happens to be one of the finest roads in the world. It is more simply referred to by its German highway designation, Route B500. The road runs through the heart of the Black Forest, and drivers will experience quite a rush as they race around the curves with the towering pines whizzing by the windows of their sports cars.
Author Bio: This article was written on behalf of AutoInsurance.us, by Melisa Cammack.