In the same way that China is known for manufacturing and Florida is known for oranges, places such as California, Chile, Australia and South Africa are known for their wine production. People often travel through countries such as Germany, Belgium and Czech Republic to sample the excellent beers on offer, and all of the above destinations provide their own unique wine-tasting experiences. Many people often have a preference for a particular wine but it is still worth taking the opportunity to broaden your horizons and get some great sunshine whilst on holiday. Wherever you go, it’s wise to plan ahead of time and get your travel money in advance (you can look to Travel Money for information). You may be able to take advantage of a great exchange rate and end up with more cash to splash.
Napa Valley, USA
One of the most historic and internationally recognised American wine producing counties, Napa Valley is renowned for producing a number of different cabernets and chardonnays; this is truly one of the stand-out wine destinations. It is complemented by gorgeous scenery, an excellent local produce market, and fantastic local cuisine. It can also be incorporated into a long journey up the west coast of California as it lies just on the outskirts of Sacramento. Other notable California wineries include Sonoma, which lies closer to Santa Rosa and San Francisco.
Hunter Valley, Australia
Hunter Valley is an obvious choice if you are planning to visit Australia and it is only two hours from Sydney. In terms of history, it is one of Australia’s oldest wine producing regions and many of the vineyards have been passed down from generation to generation. It has developed its art over such a long time that many of the best wines from Australia are found in this region. As with many of the other wine destinations throughout the globe, Hunter Valley is home to a number of fantastic eateries, using local ingredients and classic recipes to produce truly exquisite food.
Tuscany , Italy
The region is known for its Chianti wine, but there is far more history behind this prestigious wine county. Its climate, rich soil supplies and hilly terrain innately produces the perfect conditions for growing grapes. It has an impressive history which dates back to the Middle Ages and Renaissance times when it was a cultural catalyst for the arts and education, with many creative and unique individuals influencing this particular era. The regional capital of the area is Florence which provides a number of other great sightseeing opportunities outside the realms of the vineyard.
If you are planning a trip abroad it is recommended to take a prepaid currency card and some cash to keep you covered for your trip.
About the author: Adam Porteous writing on behalf of ICE who offer prepaid currency cards and travel money suited to your needs. Click here to find out more.