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Scottevest – SeV Travel Clothing

I’m always exercising, either on the road or at home, and while I like to listen to my iPod, I just could never get into those armbands. That’s where SCOTTEVEST comes in. They aren’t just a company for travel clothes, they have a whole line of performance clothing. The clothes have a built-in, patented wire management system, which I love, since I kept getting tangled up with my headphone wires (they kept getting coiled on my arm like an angry snake). Full disclosure: I do not sit on their board, but have been a HUGE fan of their products since before then. Check out their performance gear and full line of travel clothes here:

It used to be something I dreaded: going through airport security. I would have to either dump all of my keys and electronic items into a bin and then reinsert them into my pockets, jacket, bag or throw them all into a bag and then have to root through the bag later like I was searching for gold.
SCOTTEVEST made that all go bye-bye with their travel clothes and their hidden pockets. I just load up the vest, take it off at security and then put it back on. Getting the items are a snap. It also saves me from getting wanded, since all the items are in the vest. They don’t just have vests, they have jackets and pants
and everything in between, including t-shirts with hidden pockets.


Scott Jordan, founder and CEO, and his team created a 2010 SCOTTEVEST/SeV Travel Clothing Catalog that not only features their wonderful line of travel clothing for men and women but it also displays a wonderful collection of Scott Jordan’s SeV travel clothes being worn around the world by many happy customers.


  • RonLeyba
    Posted November 5, 2010 at 7:15 am

    A good all in one vest. Its like having a vest with different compartments. I love to wear something like that, feels so comfy in me.

  • Natalie
    Posted November 8, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    If you are backtracking or hiking anywhere then it is wise to invest in some proper travel clothing. Even destinations that are hot during the day can get cold at night. Travelling is different and because of this, a different style of clothing should be worn.

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