Private jet charter offers many advantages over scheduled aviation and regular flying, the top three of which are flexibility, privacy, and efficiency. Chartering private jets is something that is not just for corporate executives and celebrities, although the former often use private jets so that they can get their executives from one city to another with as little downtime as possible with the opportunity to work and hold meetings while on their flights. Private jet charter is also often used by paramedics and health care professionals who need to get a patient who is critically ill from one hospital to another as quickly as possible. Families or tour groups may charter private jets for vacations so that they can get from London to Thailand, for example, without having to stop at one or two other cities in between and have delays of several hours. With a private jet charter, you have the freedom and flexibility to plan your stay trip around your individual needs and leave when you feel like it.

Regular aviation requires one to travel on the schedule set by the airline and to potentially go through cities and hubs that sometimes don’t make sense which often requires you to change planes and so add travel time to what can already be a long trip. You often need to go long distances just to get to the airport and, once there, often have to wait in long lines to check your ticket, get a seat if it has not already been assigned, and check your baggage. This is then followed by the security check-ins where you have to empty your pockets, maybe disrobe, and then be searched. Then you wait again until you can board the aircraft and find your seat among several hundred strangers. Commercial airlines are not conducive to holding private business meetings and doing work in a confidential manner is all but impossible.
Chartering a private jet for your travel enables you to select the specific airports to and from which you want to travel, the time when you want to travel, any amenities that you want on the plane, and even the plane in which you will be traveling. For this last item, typically someone from the company from which you charter your jet will assist you in this determination.

One of the first factors that determine what plane in which you will be traveling is how many people will be traveling with you and your destination. The size of the aircraft is basically established by the number of people in your party as you want to make sure that the size is most comfortable for everyone traveling. The destination controls the range as some aircraft can fly only certain distances and sometimes have limitations due to altitude or seasonal adjustments.
Chartering private jets is usually more expensive than propeller planes but offers many amenities and accommodations that are usually not afforded by propeller planes. Private typically have lavatories and pressurized passenger cabins so they can fly at higher altitudes and so decrease the noise level that is experienced in the cabin. You can easily hold meetings and make conversation at normal speaking volumes. This could even include a romantic chat with your loved one. Private jet travel also enables you to enjoy a fresh-cooked meal, make phone calls, catch a few hours of uninterrupted sleep, and even watch a DVD or listen to music. You can check to make the specific arrangements with their expert staff.

There are many advantages to private jet charters and business and pleasure travelers alike are discovering that they can control their airline travel and make it a more pleasurable experience over regular commercial aviation.